

The ESP8266 relay project started off as an attempt to control a relay with the ESP8266 from a wireless interface, such as a web browser. The idea can easily be achieved with a few different modules which are available from eBay relatively inexpensively. I however usually don’t like the idea of assembling several modules to


After my first fan controller was competed and working, I was pretty happy with it. But as I learned more, experimented more, and became familiar with more hardware, I realized much more could be done with the controller. With the previous controller, I used the Attiny85, which was perfect for the job it was given,


A few years ago, I was spending a considerable amount of time away from my apartment. Some of this time arose during the winter months, and I found myself wanting to reduce the heating costs of the apartment, and therefor the temperature while I was away. Because the unit is adjacent to a few others,


One of the first Arduino projects that I started off playing around with was a clock. The project went through various iterations, and served as a learning experience for me. The first few sets of code I ran did not use a RTC (real time clock). At first I didn’t notice, or was not too


I have a computer desk that I like quite well. It it was designed to be used with a desktop computer, and has all the attributes that are common with computer desks, such as keyboard trays and so on. One thing that may be a bit less common however, is that there is a cabinet


In early 2017, I developed some interest in seven segment displays, and in how to drive them. Because of the large wealth of information surrounding the Arduino IDE on the internet, finding a program that could drive such a display proved to be a relatively easy task. Before long, on my breadboard I had a


What is Aliosensu? Aliosensu is the branding I decided on for my electronics projects. I have been working on a number of different electronics projects over the past several months, and a number of them have made it to the stage where I designed and submitted for production a lot of PCBs. Because there would


Recently, I’ve been using some DS18b20 One-Wire temperature sensors for a few projects, including a serial to USB temperature monitoring device I built for remote monitoring. After testing the sensor and logging profiles for a few weeks in a stable environment, I decided it would be interesting to move the sensor to an outdoor location.


The Aliosensu Wide Breadboard Power Supply, is a power supply for breadboards that are wider than the standard breadboard. (widest power rail pins are 54mm) Besides being designed to work with wider boards, it was also created to uncomplicate working with higher DC voltages through the use of the direct from source power availability. The